Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Corner Store in Old China, 7-7-71 – Lucky Chinese Birthday – 中文名就叫特雷,特好记。

中文名就叫特雷,特好记。我真的真的很喜欢中国。它是这样一个令人难以置信的美丽的地方,当我有时间的时候我都会持续来中国,它每次总给我不一样的灵感。 I’m told that 7 is a super-lucky number there, so maybe my birthday of 7-7-71 is super-duper lucky! Pop on over there to check out the new contest we are running for the day. Note, you’ll only be able to see what’s happening if you have a Weibo account, which doesn’t make a lot of sense if you spend a lot of time doing Chinese-related stuff!
When I walk down some of these streets and see these places that sell exotic foods when you walk up to the window — it is hard to pass them all buy. When I do go up there, I tend to just pick totally random things… I give them a random amount of money, and then there is a random adventure in my mouth. It’s quite the opposite of going up to a European bakery where you know what you are gonna get. I like both, even though I sometimes get burned in these Chinese places when I get something that is a little too crazy for my palette.

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